Fitness Time Management
Time is an interesting concept; as many believe they do not have enough of it in the day to accomplish all that they wish to. We lead busy, full lives, and sometimes that can cause us to put our physical health on the back burner. Although time can get away from everyone occasionally, giving yourself time to be physically active and having a consistent fitness schedule is extremely important for your overall health and wellbeing. Although it may not seem like it, there is always time for some form of movement. Whether that be going to the gym, going for a walk, or stretching at home. This blog will discuss four points to help you stick to a consistent fitness schedule and the benefits of doing so.
Research has shown that it takes around 66 days for a new behaviour to become a habit. Scheduling time to exercise regularly will allow you to be more effective and efficient when reaching your goals.
Without consistency, the body has a more difficult time adapting to exercise, as sporadic spurts of exercise can be straining. Success lies in our daily habits. Consistent regular exercise reduces stress and increases mental wellbeing through the release of endorphins!
How to have a regular exercise schedule: Create a workout schedule each Sunday. View these training sessions on your calendar as very important meetings you cannot miss.
It can become easy to stick to one workout routine you are comfortable with. Unfortunately, it may not always be the best choice, and could lead to a plateau (when the body becomes accustomed to doing the same exercises). Adding variety will keep the body guessing and can improve new muscle growth. It also prevents you from becoming bored with your routine and keeps you engaged to come back each week.
How to complete a variety of exercises: Look at your current routine and research different movements you can add into it. YouTube is a great resource to find variations of an exercise to what you typically do. Target a different muscle group each workout, add some compound movements, and incorporate high-intensity cardio during your week.
Working out can be a struggle when you feel like you have no time. Research shows that it is important to incorporate at least 30 minutes of exercise per day to stay healthy. Here are a few tips that may help you get moving:
- Join the most convenient gym possible. Research has shown that people are more likely to work out when it is accessible to them.
- Go for a walk on your lunch break.
- Catch up with a friend over a walk or exercise class.
- Save TV time for the treadmill.
- Make calls while going for a walk.
- Drink water throughout the day and take short walking breaks. Studies have shown that standing up throughout the day can be more beneficial for your body than trying to do a short workout and sitting for the rest of the day
How to Make Working out a Daily Habit?
→ Set a time. This should be a time that you are most likely to stick with, whether that be in the morning or night. Create a reminder on your phone every day.
→ Start small and try not to think about your end result, but rather where you are at right now. Set realistic goals.
→ Lay out or pack your gear. It is much easier and holds you accountable if you lay out your gym gear in advance or take your gym bag to work with you. Picking out different gym outfits ahead of time can sometimes make you more excited to go and do the workout!
→ Schedule a workout with a friend, trainer, or join a fitness challenge to hold you accountable.
There are many benefits to consistent exercise. If you are looking for something effective and convenient to help reach your fitness goals, join Sweat Club’s group training sessions! We offer classes 7 days a week, targeting different muscle groups each session. These sessions are planned for you so all you have to do is show up! Make accountability fun and easy, and reap all the benefits Sweat Club has to offer!
Check out our group class schedule here.
If you’re not in Fredericton and want to sweat with us from home, we welcome you to check out Sweat Club Connect!