The Importance of Self-Care in Today’s World
“Caring for yourself mentally and physically will help you live a much happier and more balanced lifestyle.”
We lead busy lives, and it’s easy to get caught up in the everyday pressures of social and work demands. While being busy and productive is not a bad thing, we may neglect our well-being in the process. Caring for yourself mentally and physically will help you live a much happier and more balanced lifestyle.
In this blog, we will discuss 5 reasons you should be practicing self-care. Our trainers also weigh in to share their tried and true self-care routines.
#1: It’s clinically proven to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.
Making time for relaxing activities, such as taking a bath, listening to music, or completing a meditation, are all common practices of self-care. This can help activate your parasympathetic nervous system and reduce symptoms of stress and anxiety.
#2: It improves productivity.
When you slow down, you can complete activities with a clear and more open mind.
#3: It can boost your immune system & energy levels.
When you activate the parasympathetic nervous system, your body goes into rest and recharge mode, giving it a chance to decompress. This allows the body to build its immunity.
#4: You will be more self-compassionate.
Noticing your inner voice is a form of self-care. When we start to treat ourselves with love and compassion, we start to view the world differently and feel less isolated.
#5: You will have more to give others!
The happier and healthier you are, the more you can give to a relationship or friendship. Although sometimes you want to put others before yourself, you can’t pour from an empty cup.
What our Sweat Club Team does to Practice Self-Care:
Laura: “I like to move my body first thing in the morning. Sometimes it’s 20 minutes while other times it’s 60. This alone time by myself sets the tone for the day. My bonus self-care step is to not open my phone until my workout is done (unless to press play on my music, of course).”
Stefanie: “I try to get up before everyone else in the house to sit and enjoy my coffee and set my intentions for the day.”
Jodie: “I set some time to myself when things get particularly busy to do something I love (read, go for a walk, listen to a podcast, etc.)”
Emma M: “I’ve been taking the time to walk/bike or electric scoot down to the river for a refreshing dip. (No not the Saint John River LOL)”
Emma B: “Doing yoga, it’s my time to unplug, listen to my body, and decompress from my day!”
Brooke: “I start every day writing down what I’m grateful for before I get started with anything else and end each day by writing down my small wins. I also love a good night with a hair mask and painting my toenails while watching new girl.”
Amanda: “I walk my dog! It’s our time together and it is the best start and end of my day!”
Katie: “I love an Epsom salt bath for sore/tired muscles with a good book!”
Rachel: “I like to journal!”
Sarah: “I like to meditate in the mornings to get myself in the right headspace for the day!”
5 Free Self-Care Activities
1) Take a relaxing bath
2) Listen to your favourite music
3) Say NO to something you do not want to do
4) Watch your favourite movie
5) Go for a walk or drop into your favourite gym or fitness class
If you want to take your self-care level to the next step, book a class at Sweat Club! Our trainers will ensure you are leaving the Club feeling refreshed and rejuvenated and ready to tackle whatever the day or night has to throw at you!