Masters of Sweat: Meet Stefanie
Sweat Club was the right next step for me.
Why did you want to be on the Sweat Club team?
Laura and I have known each other for years, all the way back to when we were serving together at McGinnis Landing eight years ago! We discovered our love for fitness around the same time and grew to share it as a passion together. Knowing Laura is so invested in her fitness journey and her clients, I was confident being part of the Sweat Club team would align with my goals. I knew that being a part of the encouraging team and atmosphere at Sweat Club was the right next step for me.
How did you get into the fitness industry and why do you love teaching at Sweat Club?
I’ve worked in several other industries, but I never found any real meaning or interest in the work I was doing. I definitely wasn’t going to settle. Fitness makes me happy, so I decided to go all in and pursue it as a career. In 2015, I became a Certified Personal Trainer, all while being pregnant. That’s how I really knew I loved this industry; it was so worth it. I totally understand the saying “Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.” It has proven to be true time and time again these past five years. I love going to work. I love building relationships through my one-on-one training. I love the energy that comes from teaching group classes. Although I motivate my clients to work hard, they make going to work easy and so enjoyable for me.
What is one thing you wished you learned earlier in the fitness industry?
Throughout my personal journey and my career within the fitness industry, one important aspect has remained true: strong and healthy comes in all different shapes and sizes. When it comes to fitness, it is so important not to generalize. I wish I could have grasped how society paints these highly unattainable pictures of fitness earlier on—for my own personal and professional sake. Not all bodies are alike, and therefore people’s journeys with health and fitness will be different.
A lot of Sweat Club members are also moms. What healthy habits are you already teaching your son, Mason?
With Mason, when it comes to exercising, I focus less on the physical aspects and more about mental health. I’m instilling in him the notion that exercising and playing outside will help him be happy when he’s upset and can help him in school, too. I think it’s important to build this foundation in kids at a young age so as they’re growing up, exercise becomes a positive outlet. Fresh air and movement for kids is a game changer, affecting their mood almost instantly. I think it’s important for parents to remember this for their own wellbeing, too.
You can find Stefanie teaching her Full Body Sweat and Sweat & Shred classes throughout the week at Sweat Club.