Tabitha Lee

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We would like to recognize our February CLIENT OF THE MONTH! Congrats, Tabitha Lee!

Tabitha’s story: “Since joining Sweat Club with some fellow co-workers in September I have noticed a big difference with my body and how I feel. I have lost several inches and pounds, but I am most surprised with the energy that I have, not feeling as sluggish throughout the day and how well I am sleeping at night now.

I struggle daily with self image and joining Sweat Club has only helped with that. I love that no one is there to judge appearances, strength or ability in how you do the exercises. Each instructor is motivating, willing to modify exercises if needed and show that they really do love helping others achieve their goals.

I love the 45-minute morning and noon hour classes and that each class at Sweat Club has a different variety of exercises each time I go. There are some days that I have a hard time going and want to cancel my class, but I make myself go. I always leave happy and energized. I am looking forward to many more classes and even greater results!”

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